The English Language Teaching (ELT) is a theory and practice of English teaching and learning for the welfare of the non-native students whose language is not English. It is an English language degree in exploring the application of the language development and current practice in teaching and testing. The study aims to identify the aspects of the English Language Teaching (ELT) and how do the aspects of the English Language Teaching (ELT) program should be maintained and improved based on the Peacock’s Model and Evaluation. The study employs the quantitative and qualitative descriptive research design and method. The study comprised seventeen (17) alumni of the Faculty of Education, English Department, University of Benghazi, Libya as these participants had experienced the evaluation of the English Language Teaching program to be maintained and to be improved in the Faculty of Education. Purposive sampling is utilized in the study because it is non-probability which is known as judgmental, subjective, and selective sampling. Results show that participants are encouraged to be a reflective teacher when they start teaching and taught to evaluate themselves as a teacher which is vital and important in ELT profession in the Faculty of Education and in English as a Foreign Language, show to promote flexibility in using different teaching practices in different situation and classroom management skills in terms of participation, show that there is adequate training and teaching skills and balances of teacher-centered and student-centered learning on its courses in ELT in terms of experimentation, show to avoid overlapping information between different courses and are ready to teach ELT of the program in the university in terms of application, and show that participants are encouraged to reflect on their past experiences as a language learners and are encouraged to be a reflective teacher in their teaching process in terms of cooperation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i10.3945
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