The study examined the influence women entrepreneurs’ capabilities on business survival of small scale enterprises in Nigeria. The study used correlational research design to determine the relationship between women entrepreneurs’ capabilities and business survival of small scale enterprises in Nigeria. The population size of the study consisted of small scale entrepreneurs/managers from manufacturing, commerce and service sectors in Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used for the study in 2021. The sample size for the study was 320 business owners/managers. The instrument for data collection was a structured research questionnaire which was validated by three experts in the field of study. The instrument was titled: Women Entrepreneurs’ Capabilities and Business Survival (WECBS). A reliability coefficient of .86 was obtained using Cronbach’s Alpha Formula for the instrument used for the study. Data collected for this study were analyzed using mean for research questions and hypotheses were tested using Pearson Product-Moment correlation at 0.05 level of significance. It was found in the study that self-confidence, innovation and creativity, and self-reliant are positively related to business survival of small scale enterprises in Nigeria. It was concluded that women entrepreneurs need to increase their entrepreneurial capabilities since they are keys to business survival. However, it was recommended among others that women who want to be an entrepreneur should develop and nurture their entrepreneurial capabilities.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i9.3960
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