Mathematics is important and applies to science, technology, society or the natural sciences. It is applied directly or indirectly. Most students find this to be a very stimulating, complex, and well-understood subject. Maths in high school is extremely important. The study was designed to investigate the impact of students' mathematical representation skills and their attitudes towards GeoGebra. This study was quasi-experimental and carried out on high school students. We have two groups belonging to the same standard class. The control group consisted of 22 students, while the experimental group consisted of 28 participants. The conventional approach was used to teach certain concepts of plane geometry to the students in the control group. On the other hand, the experimental group taught similar teachings using GeoGebra. The results show that students have more skills in mathematical representation using GeoGebra. The semi-empirical test also showed a significant change in students' attitudes between the pre-test and the post-test. Students are more active in mathematical representation skills in GeoGebra.
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