Forgive Avorgbedor, Helene Vilme


The objective of this qualitative study was to explore the psychological well-being of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight their experience as caregivers. A total of 1444 college students responded to the questionnaire on the impact of COVID-19 on their lives. Qualitative responses from 25 female and 7 male college students who serve as caregivers were analyzed. Data were assessed using thematic analyses. The analysis revealed that college students’ caregiving experiences impacted every aspect of their lives, including psychological health, academic performance, and career. Students who served as caregivers indicated that the mandated "Stay-at-Home" order resulted in homeschooling children, working from home, and attending school via online at home, limiting space for work, school, childcare, and homeschool. This led to increased stress, difficulty finding childcare, a drop in GPA for some, fear of delayed graduation, and financial distress. Conclusion: University students serving as caregivers were negatively affected during the pandemic. These individuals play a significant role in the workforce; therefore, rethinking resources and policies promoting their success as they serve their loved ones is in society's best interest.


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