Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin


The application of teaching profession in the teacher theory and adaptable model defines a teaching work and features that involves the change, novelty, and daily basis of uncertainty. The change is effectively a response to the necessary adaptability among teachers in their function and healthy effectiveness in their work. It assesses the various approaches and adaptability to describe the practice and implication on the development of teachers’ relevance to the knowledge for further experiences. It provides adaptability and technological impact and change in the teaching process. On the other hand, the teacher theory and adaptable model in the application of the teaching profession refers to the following acronym, T stands for Talent, E stands for Enthusiastic, A stands for Adaptable, C stands for Creative, H stands for Honest, E stands for Effective, and R stands for Resourcefulness where the approach and the process consider teaching and learning perspective manner considering the student performance in the learning process. The teaching provides rich knowledge of the profession of teachers as specialists in molding and shaping the future of students in their professional fields. Moreover, the teacher theory and adaptable model cycle highlights the characteristics and features of expert teachers to include content knowledge, extensive pedagogy, diverse learners, adaptation, problem solving strategies and techniques, decision making, event classroom perception, context sensitivity, and respect for students. It stresses the knowledge that holds teachers in the academic assimilation and highlights knowledge in the classroom practical experiences. Furthermore, the application of the theory and adaptable model in the teaching profession is very essential in the structure and understanding the domain of learning and teaching as to affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains in different approaches of teaching as to student reinforcement and learning guide, make relevant learning meaningful, foster learning, self-direction, and incorporate interes t and prior learning knowledge.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i12.4044


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