The study investigated the relationship between headteachers’ administrative duties and teacher job performance in public Junior High Schools at Agona Swedru in the Agona West Municipality of the Central Region of Ghana. This study adopted the quantitative correlational research design. Teachers in all public Junior High Schools at Agona Swedru in the Central Region of Ghana, formed the target population, while the accessible population covered all teachers in public Junior High Schools at Agona Swedru who had spent at least a year in their respective schools. Simple random sampling technique was used to obtain 70 teachers whose responses to items in closed-ended questionnaire were used for the analysis for this study. One significant finding was that the headteachers performed all the administrative duties outlined in the study even though they predominantly performed the duty of school-community relationship. Generally, the performance of the teachers was very good with discipline and punctuality recording the highest mean. Again, a strong positive and significant relationship between administrative duties of headteachers and teacher job performance was established. Among the recommendations is that the Education Directorate in the Agona West Municipality should organise in-service training for headteachers of public Junior High Schools at Agona Swedru to enable them to improve on their administrative duties to influence teacher job performance.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i12.4094
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