Christianna Papitsi, Theodore Ganetsos, Dimitris Tseles, Mixail Papoutsidakis, Christos Drosos


The main goal of this survey is to explore lifelong learning in the third age in the island community of Syros in the hope that the findings will provide data that may be useful in creating educational programme structures. Lifelong learning taking place with a group of senior citizens at the KAPI  in the Municipality of Syros-Ermoupoli will be explored, along with the potential of implementing comprehensive active learning programmes specific to the third age. The topics examined include the idiosyncrasy of the KAPI members, their needs for active ageing, their expectations and motivations, the objects of knowledge they seek and the limitations they set. The principal findings showed that Syros is a fertile field for creating pilot structures for informal education in the third age. The members of the Syros KAPI hope to see such programmes launch with less reticence than expected, but on condition that the present hierarchy of family and social priorities is not radically upset. The elderly are open to the idea of participating in learning programmes, they select specific objects of knowledge and desire to channel the skills they acquire to the local community, which is open to volunteerism. It is noteworthy that in relation to the open-ended questions regarding learning objects, the KAPI members took the initiative to propose cultural education programmes as part of their training. They also believe that the non-formal learning will improve their social image and health and will allow them to become more functional members of the local community.


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lifelong learning, third age, active learning techniques, Syros, culture

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