Eberechukwu Francisca Chigbu, Edna Nkechi Ofojebe, Grace Chinyere Nnadi, H. E. Uzoekwe, Blessing Obianuju Mokwelu


This study examined the relationship between parenting style and sexual behaviour of in-school adolescents in the South East Zone of Nigeria. The population of this study comprised 137, 095 in-school adolescents in senior secondary II in public secondary schools. The sample of the study was 1200 senior secondary II in-school adolescents. Three research questions and one hypothesis were formulated for the study and the study adopted a correlation survey design. Two instruments, namely: Parenting Style Questionnaire (PSQ) with a reliability coefficient of 0.66; and Sexual Behaviour Questionnaire (SBQ) with a reliability coefficient of 0.78 were developed by the researcher and used for data collection in the study. The research questions in the study were answered using mean, standard deviation, simple regression analysis while t-test and multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result obtained indicated that the parenting styles to which in-school adolescents were exposed are authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. In-school adolescents’ sexual behaviour in South East Nigeria are an attraction to their opposite sex and enjoying sexual intercourse under the influence of alcohol, among others; There exists a direct positive relationship between parenting styles and sexual behaviour of adolescents and a weak variation in sexual behaviour of adolescents is attributed to parenting style; inference drawn from hypothesis one indicated that parenting style has no significant relationship with the sexual behaviour of in-school adolescents. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended among others, that more counsellors should be employed, retained and empowered to help in-school adolescents regulate their engagement with peers and sexual behaviour.


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parenting styles, determinant of sexual behaviour, in-school adolescents

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