Adit Gupta, Nishta Rana, Mool Raj


The study aims to understand the role of digital media in building world class institutions with special reference to teaching-learning in higher education institutions of Jammu city and their adjoining areas. A descriptive survey method was used for conducting the study. The sample consists of 1478 stakeholders i.e., students, teachers and administrators who were associated with the higher education institutions. The findings of the research reveal that stakeholders have a high level of awareness about various digital media initiatives such as SWAYAM, MOOCs, Swayam Prabha, e-PG Pathshala etc. Results show that 96.9% of stakeholders accessed YouTube for teaching and learning activities and 60.3% of stakeholders considered the SWAYAM Platform for pursuing MOOCs. The stakeholders faced several problems while using digital media in higher education. Lack of knowledge, skills, poor internet speed, the shift from one media to another, affordability of devices, accessibility of information, lack of effective collaborations, teacher’s reluctance and political influence on institutions are the problems which are currently being faced by more than 50% of the stakeholders.


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digital media; world class institutions; SWAYAM; MOOCs

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