Luke Mmasi, Ruth W. Thinguri


The purpose of the study was to critically analyse the impact of the dynamics of continuous assessments on learner’s attitude towards mathematics in Kenyan Secondary Schools. The continued poor performance in mathematics may be attributed to the students’ poor attitude towards the subject.  How the learners develop a poor attitude towards the subject prompted the researchers, who teach mathematics to carry out this study?  Learners encounter various forms of assessments in mathematics on daily basis. The objectives of the study were: a) To critically analyse the impact of monitoring of assessments on the attitude towards mathematics in secondary schools in Kenya, b) To find out the impact of the quality of assignments on the attitude of learners towards mathematics n secondary schools in Kenya, c) To determine the impact of peer influence towards assessments on the attitude towards mathematics in secondary schools in Kenya, d) To evaluate how resources used to give assessments affect the attitude of learners towards mathematics n secondary schools in Kenya, e) To establish the impact of reinforcements on the attitude of learners towards mathematics in secondary schools in Kenya. A qualitative research was carried out using a critical analysis design. The study concluded that the continuous assessment dynamics in mathematics go a long way in leaners developing a negative attitude towards the subject. The researcher recommended that: schools should come up with assessment policies to help in monitoring continuous assessments, teachers need to be in serviced on the construction and use of continuous assessment, schools need to have a variety of learning materials other than text books and schools need to nature a positive culture towards mathematics.


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continuous assessment, attitude, reinforcement, peer influence, dynamics, mathematics


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.436


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