The education system recognises the positive impact of induction on the retention and professional growth of Newly Qualified Teachers in Ghana. This points out the question of how teacher induction programmes should be planned, organised and implemented, and what it should entail. The study sought to examine the forms and strategies of induction programmes organised for Newly Qualified Teachers in Senior High Schools during their initial professional practice. Using the descriptive case study method, data was gathered from forty-two Newly Qualified Teachers, three Assistant head teachers (Academics) from three sampled schools and one municipal human resource officer, all from Ashanti-Mampong Municipality in the Ashanti Region, Ghana. Questionnaire, interview, observation and document analysis were the research instruments used. Data were analysed using inductive and deductive analysis where similar themes and patterns were identified from responses and compared with literature. Findings show that, though an induction was organised for Newly Qualified Teachers, the schools lacked formal principles to guide and regulate the school-based induction programmes. Orientation and a few aspects of mentoring were the components of the induction programmes while continuous professional development activities were totally absent. Again, the whole induction took place within some hours which put Newly Qualified Teachers at a great disadvantage of not acquiring what they need as support. While assistant head teachers and heads of department were key stakeholders responsible for the induction, the latter was Newly Qualified Teachers’ point of call when faced with challenges. Since it is argued that teachers who receive the full components of induction are likely to adopt and implement effective pedagogical approaches, in the absence of formal policy to guide the planning and implementation of induction in Ghana, there is a need for officials at the district and municipal levels to closely monitor Senior High Schools and ensure proper organisation of their induction programmes.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i7.4385
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