Viviana Carolina Llanos, Maria Rita Otero, Maria Paz Gazzola, Paola Otero, Estefania Laplace


This research was meant to find which resources were used by teachers to teach Math, Physics, Chemistry and Biology online during the pandemic, trying to identify the main problems related to the adapting of the available resources, how they were -or not- adapted and the new ones. Besides, student’s feedback was considered, for example, if there were online classes, how tasks were sent and how they were checked and evaluated. The notion of the resource proposed by Adler (2012) was adopted by generating a survey to collect data. The survey has 21 items in total, 20 of them with closed answers, 2 of them with a Likert scale and an open question presented in an online format for all the teachers in every province in Argentina. The survey is a tool to analyse the appropriation and use of the resources by teachers of secondary school when teaching online.


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resources, online teaching, COVID-19 pandemic

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Copyright (c) 2022 Viviana Carolina Llanos, Maria Rita Otero, Maria Paz Gazzola, Paola Otero, Estefania Laplace

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