Moulay Abderrahman Sidi Hida


The current study investigates the relevance and viability of five teaching methods in the 21st-century teaching context. They are usually referred to as ‘Designer Methods’, and those are Suggestopedia, The Silent Way, Community Language Learning, Total Physical Response, and The Natural Approach. These methods are relics from the recent past that witnessed the proliferation of different teaching approaches and methods. They have left a plethora of practices that promised, according to advocators, impressive results. The goal here is not to resurrect them but to show that maybe they have never been put to rest. The current study is therefore intended to find out whether these practices are still in use in English language classrooms and, once confirmed, to measure the frequency of their use. After conducting a survey questionnaire that targeted high school teachers of English language in the city of Marrakesh in Morocco, the relevance and viability of these methods through their inherent practices, based on the collected data, proved undeniable. The study has shown that teachers still use some teaching techniques that originate from these five methods.


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The Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning (CLL), Total Physical Response (TPR), the Natural Approach

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i11.4532


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