Mercy Ngugi, Ruth W. Thinguri


The purpose of the study was a critical analysis of the impact of classroom dynamics on students’ social interaction in secondary schools in Kenya. Most of the Kenyan secondary schools are faced with the challenge of overcrowding in the classrooms thus unsuited to providing a positive classroom atmosphere hence limited leaner-teacher contact. The critical analysis was to establish and address issues and strategies that must be implemented to create a positive classroom atmosphere where learners feel comfortable to learn and communicate with each other and the teacher. The main purpose of the study was to critically analyze the gender related issues, leaner’s personality related issues and the impact they have on classroom dynamics and establish the impact of learners discipline on classroom dynamics. Moreover the study generate the importance of learners participation in the classroom set up and also the role of the teacher in motivating learners who are  not naturally motivated. The study adopted a qualitative research design that was valid in studying critical analysis. The study established key recommendations to the school management to ensure that classrooms have adequate space to accommodate all the students comfortably and allow the teacher to move freely and easily connect with the learners. It also recommends provision of in-service training for teachers on how to handle large classes with learners of mixed ability, varying ages and genders, teachers should provide teaching approaches that sustain learner’s interest and ensure participation of students in class and finally teachers should provide a friendly learning environment that engages all the learners irrespective of their gender and personality abilities as it enhances a good classroom dynamic and social interaction among learners.


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classroom dynamics, social interaction, contemplative, reflective practice, diversity


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Sadker, Myra; Sadker, David, Sexism in the Classroom, Vocational Education Journal, v60 n7 p30-32 Oct 1985

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.457


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