Lucy Njuguna, Ruth W. Thinguri


The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of parental nurturance on behavior acquisition among primary school pupils in Kenya. The government invests heavily in education sector each year yet problem behaviors among pupils affects effective learning in primary schools a state that is likely to lead to wastage of resources. The problem behaviors studied included fighting, bullying, stealing and truancy among others. The objectives of the study were to critically analyze the impact of parental availability, parental provision, and parental dialogue with the pupil, parent’s marital status and parental role modeling on behavior acquisition among primary school pupils in Kenya. Qualitative research design method was employed since it was effective in critically analyzing the findings. The study recommended that schools should organize seminars with parents to enlighten them on the significance of their availability on the pupils’ behavior and academic performance, the government and school administrators should sensitize parents on the importance of parental provision on positive behavior acquisition among pupils and the parents should be educated on the importance of embracing dialogue with their children as it reduces conflicts  hence enhancing moral development of pupils. The study also recommended that parents should be sensitized on the significant role they play in role modeling pupil’s behavior.


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parental availability, parental provision, parental dialogue, parent’s marital status, parental role modeling, behavior acquisition, problem behaviors, marital status, pupil


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.458


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