Paschalis Saroglou, Apostolos Kostas


The period of health crisis we are going through due to Covid-19 pandemic has obvious effects on the educational field. The course was temporarily transferred from the physical space of the school classroom to the digital environment. This new condition has led to the emergence of a new form of distance education, which is globally defined as “Emergency Remote Teaching” (ERT). The purpose of this article is a systematic review of the literature in order to investigate issues related to technology used, challenges arisen, as well as future practices proposed during the first two years of the coronavirus pandemic (school years 2019-20, 2020-21) in K-12 education. The search was carried out with predefined criteria at both scientific databases and a list of scientific journals about distance education. The PRISMA protocol was implemented. 46 studies were included in the review. In conclusion, a variety of technological means was used, as well as synchronous and asynchronous applications. The main pedagogical functions of the latter were course conduct, open communication and production-distribution of educational material. Problems and future practices were classified into three categories related to technology (Category 1), pedagogical process (Category 2) and health-psychology issues (Category 3). The first two have the dominant role.


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emergency remote teaching, Covid-19, k-12 education, systematic review

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i2.4651


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