Hacer Efe, Ünsal Umdu Topsakal


First aid is the emergency response to a person injured due to an accident or illness, by the people at the scene until the paramedics arrive. First aid is a lifelong essential skill for people of all ages. For this reason, knowing first aid from a young age is very important in dealing with emergencies that may occur in both school and home life. In this study, digital health games were designed and implemented in a first-aid health area. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of digital health games developed on primary school students' first aid awareness. Throughout the study, a game was selected each week and played with the students. The study group consists of 12 primary school 4th-grade students. The criterion sampling model was adopted in the selection of the study group. In the research, a semi-structured interview was used as a data collection tool and content analysis was applied in the analysis of the data. It has been reached that the knowledge of the students about the definition of first aid and possible application situations, first aid kit and emergency ambulance number has increased after the implementation. As a result of the study, it was found that digital health games improved the first aid awareness of primary school students.


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first aid, awareness, digital health games, primary school

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i2.4662


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