Armita Permata Sari, Agus Basuki


Career understanding is an information service that is very important to be given to students, as an information service to educate them about careers so that students understand the career direction they will choose after graduating from high school. The purpose of development in this study is to measure the effectiveness of a blog-based career card as a medium for understanding careers to students and to know the development of a blog-based career card media" in this study using the RND (Research and Development) method, which is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative. to obtain qualitative data results with the results of suggestions and input from expert validation. Then quantitatively with the results of the student response questionnaire, and the results of the validation test from the experts. The method used in this research is the method developed by Borg & Gall using a development procedure by going through 10 stages of development, the stage of collecting data by analyzing to obtain problems. then the planning stage, the product development stage, the validation stage and initial field trial, the revision stage of the test results, the field trial stage, the product improvement stage, the field implementation test stage, the final product refinement stage and finally the cementation and implementation stage.


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career card media, blog based

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