Maritess B. Arciaga, Susan F. Astillero


This study determined the challenges met and strategies employed by the school heads in Magallanes South District, Division of Sorsogon in the implementation of modular distance learning modality along with facilitating learning, provision for instructional materials, pupils’ development and teachers’ supervision and evaluation. This descriptive-survey research utilized survey questionnaires and unstructured interviews to 12 school heads, S.Y. 2021-2022. Results indicated that the topmost challenges met by the school heads were limited teaching interaction and risks in conducting home visitation, delimitation in the assessment components, insufficient budget allocation, inconsistency in giving grades and difficulty in validating pupils’ performance, the bulk of workloads and delimitation in the conduct classroom observation. Hence, to address the challenges, the participants devised strategies such as facilitation of community partnerships, home visitation, training and capacity building, realignment of funds, utilization of existing school resources, revised assessment criteria, a delegation of responsibilities, and scheduled teachers’ observation through video lesson presentation. It was concluded that the challenges were heightened and became inevitable due to the human mobility restrictions in different contexts due to the pandemic. These challenges muddle the academic and administrative functions of the school heads. However, despite the challenges, results illustrated the aptitude of the school leaders to lead by example and to show resiliency in maintaining and furthering the school institution through their creativity and intuitiveness in strategizing so as not to hamper the quality of education.


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modular distance learning modality, school heads, challenges, strategies, action plan

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