Munise Seçkin Kapucu, Ayşen Parlak


In this research, the cartoon "Yade Yade" broadcasted on TRT Çocuk, Turkey's national channel where programs for children's education are broadcast, was examined in terms of number sense components. In this context, 52 episodes of the cartoon "Yade Yade", which has been broadcast on TRT Çocuk since 2020, were used as data sources. Document analysis method was used in data analysis. The 52 episodes of the cartoon "Yade Yade" were examined in terms of number sense components (counting aloud, measuring concepts, nonverbal calculation, number identification, and quantity discrimination) used by Lago and DiPerna (2010). When the number components were analyzed for each section, it was seen that the measuring concepts component was mostly emphasized. This number sense component was followed by number determination, recognizing quantity, counting aloud and nonverbal calculation components. Various suggestions were developed in line with the results of the study. "Yade Yade" cartoon can be used for educational purposes in mathematics lessons in schools to emphasize the number sense, especially the component of measuring concepts. This and similar cartoons can be analyzed in terms of content and concept teaching can be realized in lessons.


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number sense, cartoons, document analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i7.4881


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