Naren D. Selvaratnam, Ooi Boon Keat, Jacquline Tham


Sri Lankan minorities constantly face discrimination and experience marginalization. This has reduced their access to education and ability to demonstrate leadership within state campuses. Further, there exists a dearth of minority leadership research in Sri Lanka. As a result, this paper reviews a wide variety of contemporary literature to elaborate on the possible reasons for limited access and leadership within state universities amongst minorities. Based on the reviewed literature, two critical problems were identified. Firstly, the irregular distribution of students, professors, and fiscal resources is a major impediment to university access and leadership. Secondly, systematic ethnocentric policies advocated through responsible authorities are also a reason for limiting educational equality and leadership among minority students within campuses. Because of these two problems, the authors reason how improved diversity and appreciation for all cultures through curricular and policy changes could enhance access, equality, and leadership for everyone including minority groups in the state university system. Further, by understanding the present barriers, the researchers encourage other scholars to consider leadership research in the future to address untapped aspects of minority discourse and related educational reforms in Sri Lanka.


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minority groups, equality, diversity, leadership, equity

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