To design the instructional model through impressive educational students of their indoctrinating Research-Based Learning Strategies (RBLS) to their creative thinking skills in Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University, and to monitor and evaluate students’ learning outcomes of the determinants and effects of the RBLS which learning strategies enhancing educational students organize of their indoctrinating creative thinking skills. Administration consisted of 38 junior educational students in faculty of education with the purposive random sampling technique with composed of the Questionnaire on Strategized Context (QSC), the Developing Instructional Model (DIM), the Critical Thinking Test (CTT), and the Questionnaire on Student Satisfaction (QSS). Statistically significant was analyzed, and junior educational students were responded of their QSC and CTT which indicated that the scale means showed off 2.56 on the instructional content for enhancing educational students’ creative thinking skills, and standard deviation for the QSC on the developing instructional model indicated of 0.71. The finding also further supported students’ need has indicated that their performances were enhanced to their creative thinking abilities evident of high level. Junior educational students were impressed of their indoctrinating RBLS to their creative thinking skills that it has revealed their mean scores of the QSS were high level, suitability. Students’ learning achievements with the DIM, the average mean scores were found evidence of 26.21, it means as 81% of the variance in students’ creative thinking skills to their instructional management with the RBLS class was attributable to their indoctrination of their CTT and showed the statistically significant between students’ outcomes of their post and pre- test at the level of 0.01, differently. The instructional efficiency value of the RBLS was assessed with the E1/E2 and indicated of 80.73/80.98, and the average mean score and standard deviation of students’ responses to their QSS revealed of high level as 4.26, and 0.46, consequently.
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