Elgiz Henden, Ali İlker Gümüşeli


Purpose: The current study focused on the opinions and reactions of school principals regarding microaggression, a new concept for Turkey, as well as the impacts of such behavior. Research Method: The research was conducted according to the qualitative research methodology while the interview technique was used as data collection tool. Descriptive analysis of the data acquired from focus group discussions with 12 school principals in two different groups. For data analysis, firstly encoding was carried out, and then, the arrangement of codes, clarification and interpretation of findings were done respectively. Findings: It was found out that school principals were not cognizant of microaggression and in need of developing awareness, knowledge, ability, and attitude for perpetrators, targets, and witnesses of microaggressions. Conclusion: Upon a holistic assessment of the findings, this study proved that educational directors in Turkey lack of knowledge and awareness, and are in need of education in terms of microaggression. That microaggression has a motivational aspect, and that associations of intervention in microaggressions with age are the unique outcomes of this study. Furthermore, it is concluded that in sub-dimensional derogation of microaggression, “comparison with others” may be included in behavioral definitions and that the concept of “communicational abuse” may be used as a Turkish equivalent.


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microaggression, microassault, microinsult, microinvalidation, prejudice

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