Esma Akdoğan, Feyzullah Koca


The general purpose of this research is to reveal the results and make suggestions with the research of the teaching competence of the last year students of the Department of Physical Education Teaching at Erciyes University. The research consists of 45 students selected by random cluster sampling from the 4th grade students studying at the Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching at the Faculty of Sport Sciences at Erciyes University. Volunteers participating in the study were asked to fill in the "Ohio Teacher Competency Scale", a demographic information form developed by the researcher, developed by Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk-Hoy (2001) and adapted into Turkish by Baloğlu and Karadağ (2008). IBM-SPSS (Statistical Package for The Social Sciences) 22 statistical package programs were used in the analysis of the data. The arithmetic average and standard deviation of the students’ scores from the Ohio Teacher Competency Scale are presented as x SD. In pairwise comparisons, a t-test was used for independent groups. As a result, when the students' self-efficiency was examined according to the variables of gender and type of sport, no statistically significant difference couldn't be found between the groups. Teacher candidates feel ready for teaching to a large extent.


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sufficiency, self-efficacy, teacher, education, physical education

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