Justina Adu, Isaac Awortwe


The study sought to assess the challenges of teacher supervision towards the safety of learners in kindergarten schools within Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem Municipality in the Central Region of Ghana. The study was situated in the interpretivist paradigm by employing a qualitative research approach. The instrumental case study design was adopted for this study. A semi-structured interview guide was utilized to collect data from 16 participants. A convenience sampling technique was used in selecting the participants for the study. The data were analyzed thematically with the help of an online qualitative analysis tool, Taguette. The findings of the study revealed that the majority of kindergarten teachers are overloaded with tasks that make them inefficient to supervise their learners for their safety. Again, this study emerged that poor maintenance culture in kindergarten schools contributes to the ineffective supervision of most kindergarten teachers. The study findings also suggest that most kindergarten teachers are challenged with inactive supervision because of the inequivalent teacher-learner ratio. It was recommended to the National School Inspectorate Authority (NaSIA), the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Ghana Education Service (GES) to collaborate and make a policy criterion for inspecting all kindergarten schools for safety before certification of operation would be issued to them. It was also recommended to the National Teaching Council (NTC) to include teacher supervision and safety in their assessment modules for licensing kindergarten teachers and school administrators and heads.


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supervision, safety, practices, teachers, kindergarten

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