Merve Soycan


Modes have historically been at the centre of music until the end of the Renaissance period, and were ignored for a while with the tonal system in the Baroque period and afterwards. However, in the contemporary period, with the search for new music, they started to gain popularity again and continued to be used as major and minor tonalities. Modes, which have their own unique interval structure, have a different sound scale and feeling compared to major and minor tonalities. For this reason, it takes some time for students who have tonal sensation and practice habits to learn and understand the modes. In many written sources, the concept of mode is explained by associating it with the major scale degrees. This way of expression increases the possibility of making mistakes because it is an indirect way. In this study, it is aimed to present a different approach to the teaching of modes, and examples of the way to be followed are given.


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modes, mode teaching, mode teaching approach, music theory, music education

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