This paper reports in the aims of research study were to investigate the effectiveness level on learner qualities, to determine the causal factors and increasing the effectiveness guidelines of learner qualities, to develop and validate causal model of multi-level factors that influence the effectiveness, and to promote the increasing the effectiveness guidelines of learner qualities in the Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission were the main purposes. Administrations of the sample consisted of 1,122 teachers who taught and students who sat at the 9th grade level in 33 schools with the Multistage Random sampling technique. Using both the high quality of the research instruments was validated and reliable with the questionnaire evidence of 0.912, to measure achievement motivation confidence of 0.906 and attitude test with a confidence of 0.908, respectively. Statistically significant analyzed with the descriptive statistics and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the multilevel confirmatory factor analysis (MCFA) and structural equation modeling analysis and the study of ways to promote the effectiveness guidelines of learner qualities in the opportunity expansion schools with seminar was based on the expert connoisseurship both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed. The results of the research findings as the effectiveness guideline level indicated as a whole at the medium level. The causal factors of learning motivation and attitude towards students’ learning outcomes were related at the high level. The causal factors were also found between increasing the effectiveness guidelines of learner qualities and their motivation and attitude towards to their learning outcomes with the learning processes were consistency with the empirical data ( = 120.544, df = 111, P = 0.252, CFI = 0.999, TLI = 0.999, RMSEA = 0.009, SRMRW = 0.029, SRMRB = 0.132, and = 1.086). The effect sizes and influences considered directly as the highest evidence of 0.919, 0.792, and 0.292 with their affecting learning processes, attitudes, achievement motivations at the relation level of 0.01, respectively. The guidelines for learning processes consisted of four main components that followed as: introduction, the thinking processing knowledge, practical schooling guideline, and practical classroom guideline. The assessing experts were evaluated to qualify causal factors and increasing the effectiveness guidelines of learner qualities to their appropriateness and feasibility are provided at the highest level, interestingly.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Paitoon Prommakul, Arun Suikraduang, Paisarn Worakham

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