This paper is to report for developing a web-based form of social learning performances of the social gamification functional learning online to enhance behaviors and critical thinking abilities of undergraduate students, to assess the effectiveness of learning lessons that based on the development model in according to the Meguigans criteria, and to investigate of learning activities based on the theme of learning development were as the main purpose study which the sample size consisted of 28 full-time fleshy students who sat in the Computer Education Program, Faculty of Education in Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University. Administrations with the research instruments, such as; the Web-Based Lessons, the Learning Behavior Measurement, the Learning Achievement Test were used. Statistically significant was compared between students’ learning outcomes of their learning different learning functions with an average mean score and the standard deviation was analyzed. The results of these findings have indicated that: the quality of Web-based lessons from professional content on the web techniques and methods evidence at a high level. Students’ learning on the performance efficiency of the Web-based model was developed on the basis of Meguigans criteria as 1.06, which was more than one lesson on the Web efficiently. The effects of the learning activities as a form of social gamification functional learning online to the enhancing behaviors toward critical thinking abilities of undergraduate students, which revealed those students’ learning behaviors of in the usual form of learning that develop depended on to a large extent at the high level. Statistically significant was compared between the average scores of students’ critical thinking of their social gamification functional learning online and usual learning form was differenced at the level of 0.01. Students’ responses of their learning achievements in according to be developed the social gamification functional learning online was higher than their usual learning indicated that of 0.01, differentiated significantly.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.509
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