Martha Naisiae Kesuna, Beatrice N., Manyasi, Anne W. Maina


Early childhood education, also referred to as preschool education is essential to children’s social, physical, emotional, and cognitive growth. Learning can be made more effective when the teachers have the right instructional materials. The study was guided by the following research questions: how were visual instructional materials utilized in teaching pre-reading skills among preschool children? and how were realia instructional materials utilized in the teaching of pre-reading skills among preschool learners? The study adopted a descriptive survey design and data was collected using questionnaires, interviews, and observation schedules. The findings of the study revealed that visual instructional materials for teaching pre-reading skills were available but not adequate in most of the schools, hence affecting the effective teaching of pre-reading skills among the learners. The study further established that most preschools lacked adequate realia materials for teaching pre-reading skills. It was concluded that Preschool teachers should attend relevant workshops, seminars, vocational and teacher professional development courses, to acquire pedagogical skills, besides effective utilization of Visual and Realia instructional materials in teaching pre-reading skills to preschool learners. Emphasis should be on pedagogical content knowledge.


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visual and realia instructional materials, preschool learners, pre-reading skills

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i12.5102


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