Ramazan Çevik, Murat Bilgin, Mehmet Şahin


In order to prevent referee mistakes in volleyball, Video Challenge System has been used in our country since 2015. The aim of the research is to examine the functionality of this system from the perspective of Classification Volleyball Referees assigned in the Efeler and Sultans Leagues and to offer opinions and suggestions for the development of the system. The research was carried out with the screening model, which is one of the quantitative research methods. Participants were reached with a 20-question Video Challenge System Questionnaire, which was developed for the purpose of collecting data in the research. The sample of the research consists of a total of 67 people who participated in the interim seminar with the participation of A and AB Classification volleyball referees in Ankara on 18 December 2021, with a physical questionnaire. The analysis of the data was made with the SPSS 26.0 program and the data on demographic variables were analyzed according to frequency analysis. When the findings of the study are examined; 91.1% of A and AB Classification Volleyball Referees said that the Video Challenge System contributed positively to the course of the match, 98.5% found the VCS applied in our country useful, 94% said that the referees were more comfortable in the matches played with VCS. observed that, 98.6% of them stated that VCS minimized the wrong decisions in numbers that could affect the match or set result, 91.1% stated that VCS directly positively affected the set or match result in competitions with high game quality, and 97%. They stated that the VCS facilitated the work of the referees in terms of making decisions, especially in the most difficult moments of the match. As a result, it has been concluded that the satisfaction of the referees who referee the Efeler and Sultans League matches, which are the highest level leagues of the Turkish Volleyball Federation, with the Video Challenge System is at a very high level. With the results obtained, it is thought that the Video Challenge System has a positive contribution to the fair conclusion of the matches and the surrender of the right.


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volleyball, video challenge system, referee

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i12.5114


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