Samwel Ojwang Njiri, Edna Asesa, Maureen Olel


The Kenyan government has significantly increased funding for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) from KSh15.7 billion in 2018/19 to KSh26.9 billion in 2019/20. The number of TVET institutions, including private ones, has risen from 874 in 2015 to 2,191 in 2019, accompanied by a surge in enrolment from 142,418 in 2015 to 430,598 in 2019. Despite these positive developments, the Republic of Kenya Sessional Paper 1 of 2019 acknowledges challenges in TVET, particularly a deficiency in graduates' competencies aligning with the labor market needs. Vision 2030 emphasizes the critical role of TVET in producing skilled professionals to drive economic growth. Total Quality Management (TQM) captures the essence of quality improvement. Studies on TQM show that it improves the quality of educational training, this study aimed to evaluate the TQM approach as a measure of quality in Kenyan TVET colleges. Specifically, the study focused on assessing the quality of leadership and student services within these institutions. The study was guided by Statistical Quality Control theory, which emphasizes the use of statistics for identifying areas of improvement in quality and productivity. Using a descriptive survey research design, the study targeted a population of 120,258, including 42 principals, 342 heads of departments, and 119,874 students. A sample size of 36 principals, 294 heads of departments, and 382 students was determined using Krejcie and Morgan's sampling table. Stratified and simple random sampling methods were employed to ensure representation across various strata. Data collection instruments involved questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis, with the validity of the instruments ascertained by experts from Maseno University. The heads of departments questionnaire was rated as reliable at .934, and the student questionnaire was rated as reliable at .799. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean and percentages, the p-control chart was used to identify areas of variability in quality to establish where the problem is and suggest corrective measures. Qualitative data were categorized into emergent themes. The study's findings revealed significant shortcomings in leadership within Kenyan TVET colleges, reaching only 12.11% of the 15% TQM benchmark. Similarly, student services were notably deficient, achieving only 3.21% of the 5% benchmark. These findings underscore potential inadequacies in leadership and a lack of quality service provision. The study's outcomes offer valuable insights for TVET institutions' management to formulate strategies addressing quality challenges through TQM implementation. Additionally, the findings can inform reforms by the Ministry of Education to enhance education and training services in Kenya's tertiary institutions.


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TQM, quality, leadership, student services, statistical quality control

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