Charlene A. Lanaban, Raymunda L. Apostol


The purpose of this study was to determine the mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between the leadership behaviors of school heads and the team effectiveness of teachers. Utilizing quantitative, non-experimental design via correlational technique, data were obtained from 300 respondents of the study who are teachers among public elementary schools in Baganga North and South Districts, province of Davao Oriental. The researcher utilized a stratified random sampling technique and an online survey mode of data collection. The researcher also utilized the statistical tools mean, Pearson r, and Medgraph using the Sobel z-test. From the results of the study, it was found that there is a very high level of leadership behaviors of school heads, team effectiveness, and work engagement of teachers. Also, results revealed that there is a significant relationship between leadership behaviors of school heads and team effectiveness of teachers, a significant relationship between leadership behaviors and work engagement of teachers, and a significant relationship between work engagement and team effectiveness of teachers. Further, work engagement has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between the leadership behaviors of school heads and the team effectiveness of teachers among public elementary schools.


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education, leadership behaviors, team effectiveness, work engagement, mediating effect, school heads, teachers, Philippines

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