This study explores the relationship between employability skills, career competencies, and work engagement among Technical Vocational teachers. A descriptive-correlational study using a structured survey method of data collection involved 182 Technical Vocational teachers. Data analysis revealed very high levels of communication skills, personal and professional advancement, adaptability, and other key areas of employability skills. Career competencies, including computer and language skills, and work ethics, also scored very high. Work engagement indicators such as vigor, dedication, and absorption were notably very high. The correlation analysis highlighted significant relationships between specific employability skills and work engagement, with communication skills showing a strong association. Similarly, career competencies like knowledge and skills were significantly correlated with work engagement. Multiple regression analysis indicated that knowledge and skills, teamwork and leadership, and communication skills significantly predict work engagement. The study provides insights into how specific skills and competencies contribute to higher levels of work engagement, emphasizing the importance of these areas in professional development.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i3.5254
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