Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin, Aurora T. Caday, Edgardo G. Canda


The paper investigates the management of human resources as an input to educational leadership and management practices. It identifies the function of human resource management in terms of recruitment and hiring, employee and employer relationships, training and development, compensation, rewards, benefits, and disciplinary action. This includes the responsibilities of human resource management to determine the educational management and practices in the area of HR planning, job analysis and design, monitoring performance, resolving conflict, and maintaining work culture. The research employs the descriptive quantitative research method in analyzing the data where purposive sampling is utilized in the gathering of the sample size of the study. The study comprised one hundred (100) respondents only. Results show that recruitment and hiring among the respondents reveal developing a system to attract applicants particularly those with outstanding talents to fill each position, showing that employee and employer relationship focuses on the HR management in fostering better relationships among personnel, staff, and faculties, show that compensation, rewards, and benefits exercises the equal work and equal compensation policy, and show that disciplinary action ensures all faculties/teachers, staff, and personnel are aware of the policies and procedures. On the other hand, it shows that HR planning formulates training and development based on the needs of the schools, faculties/teachers, staff, and personnel, shows that job analysis and design ensures work experiences, technical skills of faculties/teachers, staff, and employees are properly utilized for the success of the school organization, shows that monitoring performance is closely implemented by the HR to identify improvement and scope of upskill seminars and workshops of all faculties/teachers, personnel, and staff, shows that resolving conflict ensures that issues in the school are solved smoothly, and shows that maintaining work culture creates an essential positive impression in the school organization so that staff, teachers, and personnel know what they are expected to perform for a better working atmosphere in the school environment such as respect, unity, and understanding. Findings show that there is no significant correlation between the functions of human resource management towards an input to educational management and practices and the responsibilities of human resource management to determine the educational management and practices among the respondents.


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management of human resources, educational leadership and management practice, functions of human resources, responsibilities of human resource

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