Organisations in the educational sector are being influenced by several aspects such as political environment, deteriorating financial aid from the government, rising aspirations of first generation learners in higher education and so on. Along with this, it is also noteworthy to mention that the society is investing huge amount of human, financial and material resources in establishing and running institutions of higher learning. This makes it imperative to study the effectiveness of educational institutions which are non-profit organisations. The study therefore attempts to ascertain the factors influencing organisational effectiveness in the educational sector. The researcher has identified four variables that are expected to influence organisational effectiveness measured in terms of perceived gains from post-graduate education. The factors identified include organisational health, psychological wellbeing of students, satisfaction with quality of campus life and student engagement. The study has adopted the descriptive method of the correlational type. The sample comprised of 273 post graduate students of University of Mumbai selected randomly through stratified random sampling techniques. When analysed using multiple regression techniques, it was found that (9.28%, 8.32%, 18.34% and 23.42% of the variance in perceived gains from post-graduate education is contributed by organisational health, psychological well-being of students, satisfaction with quality of campus life and student engagement respectively. In all, 77.05% of the variance in perceived gains from post-graduate education is explained by the variables included in the study. Almost one fifth of the variance in the perceived gains from post-graduate education is contributed by organisational health and student engagement. The findings of the study suggest that any effort to enhance organisational effectiveness should focus on improving organisational health and student engagement.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.528
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