Gamze Hastürk, Kamile Çöl


This study aimed to determine the relationship between sustainable consumption behaviors and the environmental literacy of pre-service primary school teachers. The study was conducted with 144 (103 female, 41 male) pre-service teachers (103 female, 41 male) studying in the department of classroom teaching at the faculty of education of a state university located in the Central Black Sea Region in the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. The relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the study. The research data were collected using the Sustainable Consumption scale developed by Doğan, Bulut, Çımrın (2015); to measure individuals' sustainable consumption behaviors. "Environmental Literacy Scale for Adults (ELSA)" developed by Atabek-Yiğit et al. (2014) was used for environmental literacy. According to the research findings, a positive relationship was found between the sustainable consumption behaviors of pre-service teachers and their environmental awareness, non-essential purchasing, saving and reusability levels. There is a moderate, positive and significant relationship between pre-service teachers' environmental literacy levels and sustainable consumption behaviors. The sustainable consumption behavior, environmental awareness, saving, and non-essential purchasing of pre-service primary school teachers do not show a significant difference according to gender. In line with the findings obtained as a result of the research, prospective primary school teachers are sustainable.


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sustainable consumption, environmental education, environmental literacy, classroom teacher candidates

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i5.5328


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