Sally J. Too, Dinah K. Nyamai, Alice W. Mambo


Nearly every civilization has faced a plethora of moral issues since the introduction of contemporary innovations, including violence, drug misuse, nepotism, thievery, corruption, immorality, and sexual abuse. The old institutions that formerly taught social cohesion, morality, and the meaning of life have been eroded and are no longer helpful. This study argues that Sunday school, which Robert Raikes founded in the eighteenth century, remains essential for teaching morality to the next generation. It examines how Pan Africa Christian University's training program aligns with Sunday school teachers’ understanding of contemporary Christianity, at Christ Is The Answer Ministries in Kapsabet, Nandi County. The study employed a convergent parallel mixed-method research design. The target population was 135 participants, including trained teachers, church leaders and parents with children in Sunday school. The study findings indicated a statistically positive and significant relationship between the Transformational Leadership Training Program and Teachers’ moral life at (r=0.519**; p<0.05). The study findings also revealed a statistically significant relationship between the Transformational Leadership Training Program and Teachers’ social lifestyle at (r=0.509**; p<0.05). The study findings confirmed that the said church leaders’ training program effectively equips and trains Sunday school teachers to nurture children holistically.


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Sunday school, teachers, training program, children, holistic nurture

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