Yongjiu Gao, Pengfei Chen


The purpose of this study, which is set against the backdrop of teachers' perceived sustainable leadership, is to investigate the key factors that determine the professional development and potential improvement strategies of Chinese vocational college teachers. ten vocational college teachers in Shandong Province, China, were selected for semi-structured interviews using a purposive sampling method, and the interview texts were coded and analysed using the grounded theory. The findings indicated that the continuous professional development of vocational college teachers is significantly influenced by multiple factors, which include teachers’ perception of their professional development, schools’ policies and systems, the fairness of allocating resources and the organisation’s cultural environment. As a result, the professional growth and autonomy of vocational college teachers can be substantially enhanced by establishing a robust institutional guarantee system, fostering a supportive and inclusive organisational culture, and advocating for the implementation of personalised development plans.


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sustainable leadership; vocational college teachers; professional development; influencing factors; improvement strategies; grounded theory

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