Joyee L. Gicain


This study utilized a multiple case design to describe and gain insights from the leadership styles among school administrators embracing the situational leadership model: the case of T’boli West district, South Cotabato division, Philippines. This study used an in-depth interview to gather the data needed. A total of five school administrators were the respondents of this study. The results showed that most participants gained positive benefits from their experiences, challenging them to strive for greater advancement to become better educators despite the rigors of life. Nevertheless, even if they have faced many difficulties, the study found that principals embracing situational leadership are even more inspired. Understanding their difficulty as principals added to the body of information in education. Their attitude toward their personal and professional well-being would change if they valued the importance of resilience in the leading professionals.


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leadership styles, school administrators, situational leadership model, educational management, Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i10.5561


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