Abdullah Aydemir, Özlem On, Ramazan Saydam, Mahmut Akkaya


Folkloric products that folklore tries to understand and examine have attracted the attention of folklore researchers from the past to the present. Throughout the historical process, many folklore researchers have carried out some studies and investigations and put forward various theories, methods and opinions. As a result of text-centered folklore studies, theories have been created on folkloric products in this context. One of these theories is the "Structural Folklore Theory." Researchers such as J. G. von Hahn, Otto Rank, Lord Raglan, Eric Hobsbawm, Vladimir Propp, Claude Levi Strauss have developed models and methods by working in line with this theory. With the structural analysis of the hero's biography, which is one of the developed methods, aims to examine the adventures of the heroes, create a general pattern and understand the folk products in this way. Whether it is a folk tale, a fairy tale or an epic, it meets the public's need for listening and telling with the elements it contains. This needs to be continued as text-centered narratives were replaced by the electronic cultural environment over time. Especially with the development of technology, thanks to cinema, narratives are transferred to the big screen and the heroes in them are brought to the fore. So much so that the heroes in such narratives carry parts of the characteristics of the society in which they were created. In other words, the public identifies itself with the hero in the narratives and adopts him. As a natural result of this, some folklore researchers have focused their research on the heroes in the narratives. Otto Rank, who works within the framework of Structural Folklore Theory, makes a biographical structural analysis of the hero with his “Hero Pattern”. In this study, after a brief mention of Otto Rank's “Hero Pattern”, the electronic culture environment will be mentioned, and the Turkish-Iranian co-production film “Adsız Cengâver ve Sultan Gelin” will be analyzed according to Otto Rank's “Hero Pattern”. A general evaluation will be made about this situation by determining which of the items in this mold fit the movie or which items do not fit the movie.


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nameless warrior, film, folklore, hero pattern, Otto Rank, Turk, structuralism

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Copyright (c) 2024 Abdullah Aydemir, Özlem On, Ramazan Saydam, Mahmut Akkaya

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