This study was carried out in order to specifying the opinions of the staffs working as manager, teacher and educational inspectors at primary schools about the implementation of balanced scorecard in education institutions. To perform that aim the staffs serving as manager, teacher and inspector at the primary Schools nearby center of Elazığ Province was determined as the population. In the research, the descriptive survey model was used. The sampling subjects consisted of 110 managers, 340 teachers, 20 inspectors, which was specified by the Random Sampling Method. For the purpose of reflecting the viewpoint of participants, a balanced score card was prepared. In order to determine the reliability and validity of the scale analysis was been done and ıt was found to be reliability coefficient was Cronbach Alfa=0.963,standartize reference value was =,965. The data shows that scale was very reliable and valid that feature was. The researcher personally kept track of this scale and collected by going to the schools. At the end of this research, it was realized that the participants generally approve the implementation of the balanced score card. That the participants attend the matters in the balanced scorecard scale and that the matters are implemented will be effective in terms of specifying the school performance and development.
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