Arpa Barua, Yasin Arafat, A.B.M Feroz Shahriar


The education system of any country shapes its society by socializing youth with skills, values, and attitudes. Bangladesh declared its National Curriculum Framework 2021, which replaced the National Curriculum 2012 nine years ago, so the New Curriculum Framework is the first country’s curriculum framework of the 21st century, which is known for competency-based education. The New Curriculum Framework mainly focuses on competency, which is interdisciplinary and skill-based education. Components of competency-based education are knowledge, skill, values, and attitudes, which provide interdisciplinary, comprehensive and flexible knowledge as the demand of the 21st century. This curriculum framework states how the learning experience will change — learners will be instructed in the classroom with real-life experience and content, and they will examine societal norms and values and be active in bringing about positive changes in society by eliminating all forms of discrimination. Therefore, a gender transformative approach has been adopted in this curriculum, through which every learner seeks to analyze gender roles by transforming unequal gender norms, roles, and relations to gender equality while working towards redistributing the economy and services in society to be more equal. Thus, in this study, we have covered the SWOT Analysis of the New National Curriculum Framework 2021 and the analysis of textbook content. Thus, this study reveals the implementation of NCF - 2021 by analyzing Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat.


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NCF-2021, gender, transformative, SWOT, learning competency, learning content, learning experience

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v11i11.5616


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