Nguyen Thi Tinh, Bui Thi Lu


In response to the need to keep up with the development trends of world education as well as the context of deep globalization and the development of digital technology today, online training has been implemented by many higher education institutions in Vietnam for the university level. In online training, lecturers play an important role in teaching and supporting learners. Therefore, lecturers must be the pioneers in innovating teaching content and methods. For online training, in addition to expertise, there are other requirements for skills and teaching methods in the online environment. Currently, many universities in Vietnam do not have specific requirements for the necessary competencies for online teaching lecturers. Therefore, building a competency framework for lecturers in online training to ensure the quality of teaching in the online environment for universities in Vietnam is extremely necessary.


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building a competency framework, online teaching, lecturers, universities, digital transformation, Vietnam

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