Janine A. Licaros, Helen Grace B. Lazo, Lance Vincent Ponce, Dondie B. Labajo, Chris Lou Ibonalo


The education system is a globally affected aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, face-to-face instructions were suspended, and education abruptly shifted to distance learning modalities. This study was conducted to describe the lived experiences of Mathematics students at Cebu Normal University, Philippines, in e-Learning Mathematics amidst the pandemic. This study is anchored on phenomenology and utilized a semi-structured interview guide in a series of virtual interviews with each of the research participants selected through a purposive sampling for the data gathering process. The gathered data were then analyzed using Moustakas’ (1994) Transcendental Phenomenological Analysis Process. The findings revealed that the following challenges are encountered by the participants in e-Learning Mathematics amidst the pandemic: (1) difficulty in understanding the topic, (2) contextual distractions, and (3) challenges for online connectivity. Additionally, by taking a break and having a positive mindset, the participants gained motivation to deal with these challenges and foster learning in mathematics. Moreover, this study exposed the opportunities obtained by the participants in e-Learning Mathematics amidst the pandemic into three (3) themes: (1) convenience for learning, (2) independent learning, and (3) time management.


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lived experiences, e-Learning Mathematics, challenges, opportunities, pandemic

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Copyright (c) 2024 Janine A. Licaros, Helen Grace B. Lazo, Lance Vincent Ponce, Dondie B. Labajo, Chris Lou Ibonalo

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