Rhea Mae T. Ramos, Gina Fe G. Israel


The study determined the mediating effect of self-concept on the relationship between students’ inquiry and science-related attitudes of students. This study used a quantitative research design that covered mediation analysis and descriptive survey methods. A stratified random sampling technique was used in this study, with a sample of 300 students drawn from the STEM and GAS senior high school departments of chosen public schools in the Davao Oriental division. To gather data, the researcher used an adapted survey questionnaire, which was modified to suit the context of the research study. Results showed that students’ inquiry, self-concept, and science-related attitudes were high or often manifested. There was also a significant relationship between students’ inquiry and science-related attitudes, students' inquiry and self-concept, and self-concept and science-related attitudes. Further, there was a significant but partial result of the Medgraph using the Sobel z-test of self-concept on the relationship between students' inquiry and science-related attitudes. There was a significant partial mediation between these variables. The study demonstrated a significant partial mediation of self-concept on the relationship between students' inquiry toward science-related attitudes of senior high school students.

UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) No. 4 Quality Education.


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science education, student inquiry, science-related attitudes, self-concept, mediation, Philippines

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