Enock Yeng, Samuel Tatsi, Emmanuel Dwamena


This study comprehensively examines the human resource management practices implemented by administrators in private schools within the Ayawaso West Municipality of the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. It specifically highlights the critical aspects of academic staff recruitment, appraisal, and training. Utilizing the Resource-Based View (RBV), Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, and Human Capital Theory, a robust quantitative approach was adopted, gathering data through structured questionnaires completed by 100 respondents, including both school administrators and teachers. The analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, such as frequencies and percentages, to effectively assess respondents' perceptions of various human resource practices. The findings compellingly demonstrate that effective human resource strategies involve the provision of comprehensive orientation and induction programs, targeted on-the-job training, and systematic training needs assessments. Moreover, recruitment and selection processes are enhanced by offering study leaves for further education, promoting initiative among teachers, and establishing a clearly defined reward management philosophy. Additionally, the study reveals that appraisal and training are strengthened through performance feedback, guidance and counseling services, and support with academic matters. Based on these findings, it is recommended, among others, that school administrators elevate their human resource strategies by incorporating continuous professional development opportunities and cultivating supportive work environments, both of which are essential for enhancing staff performance and retention.


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human resource management, private schools, teacher engagement, Nexus

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