Achmad Yani Bin Imam Subari, Siti Sara Binti Haji Ahmad, Rafidah Binti Abdullah, Hambali Bin Haji Jaili, Rafizah Binti Abdullah, Nur Basirah Binti Haji Rosmin


The goal of this study is to examine the efficacy of the system of evaluation in teaching the communicative Arabic language at the Faculty of Shari'ah of the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA) in Brunei Darussalam. Researchers distributed the identification to the 22 first-year students of the Faculty of Shariah at the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA), who studied the Arabic subject of communication in 2024 (all students of the first year of the Faculty of Shariah at the Islamic University, who studied the Arabic subject of communication in 2024 were 35 students, a sample of 63% of all students). Having obtained the data needed for this research, they have analysed them evaluatively and quantitatively to obtain the required results. This study found that the positive aspects of the evaluation of the tests for the teaching of the Arabic language at Sultan Sharif Islamic University are reflected in their proportion to the objectives of the curriculum (80 percent). They measure the competence of students in oral communication by 80 percent; they measure the proficiency of students in editorial communication by 78.2 percent; the distribution of grades for both oral and written communication skills by a balanced proportion (75.5%), and the testing system corresponds to the courses and training offered to students in the classroom by 80%, that the test results reflect the true linguistic level of students by 77.3%, that the test results are true by 93.3%, that the test results are comprehensive (75.5%), that the test system contains the theoretical aspect by 73.6%, and that the test system contains the applied aspect by 74.5%. The negative aspect is that the system of tests for the teaching of the Arabic language is not commensurate with the objectives of the curriculum by 20%; it does not measure students' competence in oral communication by 20%; it does not measure students' competence in editorial communication by 21.8%; it does not balance the distribution of grades for both oral and written communication skills by 24.5%; the attendance of students in the classroom is underrepresented by 20%; the linguistic level of students is misrepresented by 22.7%; the results are inaccurate by 19.1%; the results are incomplete by 24.5%; it lacks the theoretical aspect by 26.4%; and it lacks the practical aspect by 25.5%.


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evaluation, system, language, Arabic, communication

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Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Yani Bin Imam Subari, Siti Sara Binti Haji Ahmad, Rafidah Binti Abdullah, Hambali Bin Haji Jaili, Rafizah Binti Abdullah, Nur Basirah Binti Haji Rosmin

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