Jeffrey A. Rajik


This research investigates faculty and students’ attitudes toward Large Language Models (LLMs) and their motivations for their use in classrooms. Utilizing descriptive quantitative methods, including the modified General Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence Scale (GAAIS) and the Questionnaire of AI Use Motives (QAIUM), data were collected from 24 faculty members and 120 students across eight undergraduate programs of the College of Arts and Sciences of Mindanao State University – Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography in the Philippines.  Results reveal significant differences between faculty and students in their attitudes and motivations toward LLMs.  Faculty express greater concerns regarding ethical implications, transparency, and reliability, along with apprehension regarding the potential loss of personal connections and the value of human interaction in the learning process. On the other hand, students display greater enthusiasm and a willingness to engage with LLMs.  As education is shifting to a digital future, these findings highlight the need for targeted professional development for faculty to effectively integrate LLMs into teaching practices and to address the ethical considerations and equity issues associated with their use. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the importance of considering diverse perspectives when implementing LLMs in educational settings, as it can lead to more effective and balanced integration strategies.


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artificial intelligence, large language models, LLMs in classrooms, attitudes toward LLMs, LLMs use motivations

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