Tuba Akar, Yeşim Koç


This study was conducted to investigate the level of knowledge of pre-service preschool teacher candidates about basic nutrients. The sample of the study consisted of 70 preschool education teacher candidates studying at Sinop University, Faculty of Education in 2017-2018. A survey method consisting of 15 open-ended questions about essential nutrients was applied to prospective teachers and the results of the study were evaluated by descriptive analysis method. The responses given by the teacher candidates were coded, and content analysis was performed. Percentage and frequencies were calculated. When the questions posed to the teacher candidates were examined, the question with the most correct answers was 'amino acids are the building blocks of proteins' with 64.2%, and the question with the least correct answers was 'what is antioxidant' with 2.8%. It was concluded that teacher candidates have some general knowledge, but they have insufficient knowledge of the detailed questions about the role of nutrients and the use of some important terms.


nutrition literacy, preschool teacher candidate, nutrients, nutrition knowledge level.

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