Roseline Okiemute Anho, Adams Omokaro Ekwevugbe


The study explored the impact of interdisciplinary approaches to history education in public secondary schools in Delta State. This study is a survey adopting the ex-post-facto research design. The population for this study comprised all public secondary schools in Delta State. The sample for this study comprised 275 respondents, 75 principals and 200 teachers in Delta State public secondary schools, selected from 12 local government areas. The instrument that was used for the study was a self-developed questionnaire titled ‘Impact of Interdisciplinary Approaches to History Education Questionnaire’ (IIAHEQ). The questionnaire is a closed-ended one in the form of a four-point Likert scale of Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Strongly Disagree (SD) and Disagree (D) was used in the collection of information from respondents. The researcher administered a total of 500 questionnaires to randomly selected respondents from the selected public secondary schools in the study area. Simple percentages, mean scores, standard deviation and coefficient of determination using 2.50 as a benchmark to provide answers to the research questions. Based on the findings, it therefore concluded that interdisciplinary approaches to History Education offer a powerful way to promote deeper understanding, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Thus, by integrating multiple disciplines and subjects, educators can provide students with a more comprehensive understanding of historical events and processes. However, the successful implementation of interdisciplinary approaches to History Education requires careful planning, collaboration and support. It therefore recommended that government and policy-makers should develop interdisciplinary curriculum, provide professional development opportunities, foster collaboration and teamwork, provide adequate training and support, assess and evaluate interdisciplinary learning, etc.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v12i1.5787


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